If pornography is increasingly cruel and degrading, why is it increasingly commonplace instead of more marginalized? In a society that purports to be civilized, wouldn't we expect most people to reject sexual material that becomes ever more dismissive of the humanity of women? How do we explain the simultaneous appearance of more, and increasingly more intense, ways to humiliate women sexually and the rising popularity of the films that present those activities?
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Getting Off
The content of pornography has become more degrading almost in direct opposition to the gains made by women and protections offered to children in the real world. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that women, and increasingly children, primarily exist online to satisfy the sexual urges of men. Mutuality has given way to narcissistic focus on image, and a solipsistic model of one-sided pleasure. By the time child sex-abuse robots are the new norm, any judgment regarding their use will be reserved for those who urge caution.